Coach Nick is a certified personal trainer through ACE (The American Council On Exercise). He has over 10 years experience as a one-on-one
personal trainer and group fitness instructor.
As a skinny fat teenager who was sick of being called “Slim”, “Skinny”, and “Scrawny”, Coach Nick signed up for a weight lifting class during his senior year of high school.
He quickly caught the fitness bug and over the next few years transformed his body from skinny fat to lean, muscular, and athletic.
At the age of 28, Coach Nick decided to change career’s and got his personal trainer certification from ACE.
The rest is history.
He’s been helping people transform their bodies and minds through fitness ever since.
He’s a crazy golf nut, loves football and basketball, enjoys visiting random lunch spots with his mom, and has 11 nieces and nephews.
If he’s not out golfing with his buddies, he’s probably home drinking a Heineken or two and watching reruns of Seinfeld, The Office, or Two and A
Half Men.