We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get started. No over priced 6 week challenges or bait and switch, credit card required programs. Simply fill out the form below and you’ll receive an absolutely FREE 7 day trial membership, no strings attached, no credit card required.
After you fill out the form below, you’ll be taken to a calendar to schedule a quick phone chat with our head trainer. This is NOT a sales call. This is simply to discuss your fitness goals so we are both on the same page and know exactly what you want to accomplish. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about our program, memberships, or anything else. We want you to be as comfortable as possible heading into your first workout and this is the true purpose of this call.
On this phone call, you’ll schedule your first workout, so step 3 is simply to make sure you get this journey started out and actually SHOW UP. We know this can be a scary thing to do, but it all starts with one. It’s time to start putting yourself first again and this is the single best way to start doing that.
Your free trial includes unlimited 35 minute group fitness classes for 7 days. We recommend being able to attend to 2-3 workouts during these initial 7 days. We’ve found this to be the perfect amount of time to test drive our program and see if it’s something you can fully commit too. All we ask is that you give us 100% of your best effort and come in with an open mind. If you can do that, we promise to provide with you world class coaching, a fun and upbeat group environment, and provide you everything you need to make this a positive and successful experience.